Short curriculum vitae

Karin Anna Hummel is an Associate Professor at Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. Previously, she held positions as a senior researcher and teacher at ETH Zurich, pre/post-doc researcher and teacher at the University of Vienna, and software engineer/project manager at Siemens Austria. She received her Ph.D. degree in 2005 from Vienna University of Technology and was awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship in 2011. Her research focus is set on mobile wireless systems and the interplay between physical mobility and networking, including data-driven mobility characterization, mobile cloud computing, delay-tolerant and intermittent networking, IoT, and aerial wireless networks and drone systems. She was part of the organizing committee of numerous workshops and conferences and gave 27 invited talks. Overall, 99 publications document her research activities.

Academic achievements and education

Habilitation in Computer Science, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Habilitation thesis' title: Physical Mobility in Networked Systems: Data-driven Characterization of Mobility, Mobility Impact Analysis, and Methods for Exploiting Mobility Context in Networked Systems

PhD in Computer Science (Doctorate), Vienna University of Technology, Austria (Dr.techn.) - with honors
PhD thesis' title: Mobility-Aware Distributed Computing in Shared Data Spaces

Graduation (Diploma) in Computer Science, Vienna University of Technology, Austria (Dipl.-Ing.)
Master's thesis' title: Software Implemented Fault Injection for the Coordination Kernel

High-school diploma (natural sciences), Realgymnasium GRG21 Ödenburgerstrasse, Vienna, Austria - with honors

Scholarships and awards

Best poster award - A. Freistetter, K.A. Hummel. Human-Drone Teaming: Use Case Bookshelf Inventory. IoT Conference 2019.

Best entertaining video award - Finding Linda by SWARMIX. AAAI 2016 Video Competition, 2016.

Best paper award - S. Trifunovic, A. Picu, T. Hossmann, and K.A. Hummel. Slicing the Battery Pie: Fair and Ecient Energy Usage in Device-to-Device Communication via Role Switching. In CHANTS'13: 8th ACM MobiCom workshop on Challenged Networks, pages 31-36, 2013.

Marie Curie fellowship entitled MOVE-R - Improving the Realism of Mobility and Cooperation Models in Opportunistic Networks, EU FP7 Intra-European-Fellowship, 2011

Faculty award - contributions to the publication strategy, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Vienna, 2010

Teaching innovation award (category new media), University of Vienna, 2002

Employment history

10/2019 - present
Deputy head of department, Department of Telecooperation, JKU Linz, Austria

03/2017 - present
Associate professor, Department of Telecooperation, JKU Linz, Austria

10/2015 - 02/2017
Post-doc University assistant, since 11/2015 assistant Professor (tenure track), Department of Telecooperation, JKU Linz, Austria

09/2013 - 07/2015
Senior researcher and lecturer, Communication Systems Group, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

09/2011 - 08/2013
Marie Curie fellow, Communication Systems Group, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

04/2005 - 08/2011
Post-doc University assistant (senior researcher and lecturer), Research Group Entertainment Computing / Distributed Systems Group, University of Vienna, Austria

04 - 07/2002
Freelancer - design and implementation of a mobile laboratory consisting of mobile, wireless, and sensory testbeds at the Department of Distributed and Multimedia Systems, University of Vienna, Austria

08/2002 - 03/2005, 04/1998-03/2002
Pre-doc University assistant (predoctoral researcher and lecturer, PhD student), Distributed Systems Group (Department of Distributed and Multimedia Systems, formerly Computer Science and Busniess Informatics), University of Vienna, Austria

03/1993 - 03/1998
System software engineer, project leader, and trainer, networking department (packet switched networks) and communication networks (Intelligent Network), Siemens Austria AG

Guest research visits

Universite Paul Sabatier, France, hosting professor: Prof. Jean-Marc Pierson

08 - 09/2007
University of Passau, Germany, hosting professor: Prof. Hermann de Meer